Ministerul Educației și Cercetării

Guvernul Republicii Moldova

Contract Award Notification - Consulting company for preparation of the promotion materials for Social Information Campaigns on higher education and achieved project implementation results

Thu, 04/04/2024 - 12:53 -- stic



Country: Republic of Moldova

Project: Moldova Higher Education Project

Project ID No.: P167790

Assignment Title: Preparation of the promotion materials for Social Information Campaigns on higher education and achieved project implementation results.

Reference No. (as per Procurement Plan): MD-MOED-206331-CS-CQS

Method of Procurement/Selection: Consultant’s Qualification Based Selection (CQS)


  1. The Consultants who expressed the interest:

1)      NedFilm, Turkey

2)      Joint Venture CH Business Consulting S.A. and Monstros, Portugal

3)      Proimagine SRL, Moldova

  1. The Qualification requirements and basis for evaluation (evaluation criteria) are:

(i)     General experience (40 points):

  • Minimum 3 years of experience in production of high-quality video/audio products, including social advertising, social public announcements;
  • Public awareness experience;
  • Experience in production of visibility materials;


(ii)  Specific experience (60 points):

  • Experience in providing services related to the development of video and audio information materials, starting from the concept, script, video/audio editing in the area of education would be an advantage;
  • Experience in image development and graphic design;
  • Previous experience with the World Bank financed projects and other international organizations and projects would be an asset;
  • Qualified staff with at least 3 years of experience in the development/production of video and audio materials (producing videos and audio recording, creative editing, writing advertising texts);


  1. The overall technical scores and scores assigned for each criterion to each consultant


Name of the short listed consultant 


1.      NedFilm, Turkey


2.      Joint Venture CH Business Consulting S.A. and Monstros, Portugal


3.      Proimagine SRL, Moldova




  1. Awarded Consultant: Proimagine SRL, fiscal code: 1010600042842 having its principal office located at 31 Bulgara street, MD-2001, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova.


  1. Contract signature date: March 29, 2024    

Price: MDL – 1 053 350,00

Duration: March 2024 – December 2025